Despite issues brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, education must be made available! Education must continue! With its Online Distance Learning Program, TISC accepts the challenge!


Patria G. Jardiniano

  • AB English – University of the Philippines, Diliman, QC
  • M.A. in Language Education – De La Salle University
  • Adv. Courses in Learning Styles – Williamsburg, Virginia, USA
  • C-TAPS – Consortium for Teaching Asia and the Pacific in the Schools – East West Center, University of Hawaii, USA
  • Creating a Literature-based Literary Environment – Pat Cianciolo, Michigan State University, USA
  • Whole Language – The Cooperative and Cognitive Way – Williamsburg, Virginia, USA
  • Special Course in Creative Writing – Bay Area Writing Project (BAWP), Singapore
  • Professional Development Seminars in the School-to-University Program – Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, USA
  • Central East Asia Regional Council of Schools (CERCOS) Teachers’ Conferences (local and international) on: Authentic Assessment, Peer Coaching,
  • Cooperative Learning, Reading-Writing Connection, Integrating Math and Science
  • Outstanding Elementary School Teacher Award (2x) – International School Manila

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