Despite issues brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, education must be made available! Education must continue! With its Online Distance Learning Program, TISC accepts the challenge!

DATA PRIVACY POLICY of The International School for Children

 TISC respects the individual’s right to privacy. To safeguard the confidentiality of personal information collected by the school, it is committed to comply with the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (RA 10173). 

It has adapted necessary measures to secure it. 

  1. It will not release or sell personal information to any third party without consent or as required by law. These are student’s personal information collected to process application, registration, enrollment, administration and ensure that the student is provided with the needed facilities and services. 
  2. Collected student personal information to form part of the Student’s Official Education Records such as admissions records and academic records are stored manually and/or electronically and are maintained by the Administrative Officer; scholarship grants records maintained by the Department Administrator; behavioral and disciplinary records maintained by the Directress. 

Student Personal Information shall include the following: · Name 


  • Address 
  • Telephone/Mobile Number 
  • Date and Place of birth

Parents’ and siblings 

  • Email address 

Grade Level 

Class schedules 

  • Grades 
  • Dates of attendance 
  • Previous educational institution attended 
  • Awards/Honors/Scholarship Grants received 
  • Date of Graduation 
  • Performance records and participation in competitive events and officially recognized activities, sports, and organization 
  • Photographs/Videos/Images of individuals or groups 

Student personal information will be used for the following purposes: · to process of student application and enrollment 

  • to maintain student records ( for managing and evaluating student’s academic progress) 
  • to provide guidance and support 
  • to provide access to campus and school facilities/services 
  • to maintain safety and security
  • to communicate official school announcements 
  • to maintain directories and alumni records 
  • to respond to verifications (such as, background checks, is an individual a bona fide student or a graduate of the school? 
  • for marketing and publicity of the school 
  • for historical and statistical data 
  • for research toward improvement of programs, services and facilities · for application/Renewal of Scholarships/Grants 
  • for participation in school recognized competitions and athletic leagues ·for posting and/or publishing of academic, co-curricular achievements in school’s announcement boards, websites, social media sites, and publications 

Sensitive Personal Information 

Students needing additional support as a result of a disability, specific learning difficulty, or medical condition are strongly encouraged to declare such information to the school. 

Disclosure and Sharing of Personal Information 

In the event that personal information collected is that of a minor, prior consent from the parent or legal guardian should be obtained in compliance with RA#101, EXCEPT when the disclosure is to school officials who have a legitimate educational interest in the records, and in case of serious security, and health emergencies to protect life, and

health of the student and others, and to comply with court orders or lawfully issued subpoenas 

Data Retention 

How long will the records be kept? Academic records of students and graduates shall be retained perpetually. Data will only be retained until they are still relevant for the school. Information gathered from applicants who did not pursue enrollment in TISC will be securely disposed of one year from date of application. 

Data Accuracy and Correction 

To ensure that data it collects is accurate regular updating and verification of personal information is important to maintain accuracy. 

Data Breach 

Data breach refers to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to, personal data transmitted, stored, or otherwise processed. 

Any data security breach that comes to the knowledge of the school will be recorded and reported as required by law. If there is strong suspicion that breach affects student personal information, the school will immediately notify the student of such breach in an appropriate manner. 

If a student strongly believes that his/her personal information which is stored and processed by the School has been compromised, he shall file a written complaint to the Directress for proper and immediate action.

Amendment/Modification of Data Privacy Policies 

TISC reserves the right to change/modify and/or vary this Policy and Terms of Agreement at any time in its sole discretion. Any amendment made will be announced through the official bulletins, email accounts, or social media sites. 

Queries and complaints can be directed to the Directress.