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Second Graders’ Musical Instruments from Scrap, Terrific!

Ella Montines

September 9, 2021

Recycling turns old scrap materials into new objects like magic. As we are nearing the end of the first trimester in Grade 2 Music Class, T. Tin and I thought of an activity that will showcase our students’ creativity, love for nature, and the knowledge that they have learned during our lessons.

Grade 2- Acacia and Mahogany created their Musical instruments using scrap materials. Just like real musical instruments, these scrap instruments also produce a sound that was heard by their classmates during their presentation.

They also presented their Obra Maestra by telling the class the instrument that they made, the scrap materials that they use, as well as the reason why they chose to make that musical instrument.

After they submitted and presented their works, we only have one word left to say. That is, “TERRIFIC!”.

– Ms. Alyza Mariz Aron, Lower School Department Teacher

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