Despite issues brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, education must be made available! Education must continue! With its Online Distance Learning Program, TISC accepts the challenge!

Entrance and Exit Tickets – Keys to an Engaging Online Classroom!

Ella Montines

September 10, 2021

Researches in the field of curriculum, instruction, and assessment highly suggest that there is a strong relationship between engaging classroom practices and students’ learning outcomes. And we, in TISC, are continuously in search of innovative practices that would make our daily classroom interaction not only productive but also enjoyable. One of which is by making students respond to entrance and exit tickets!

Exit tickets are a formative assessment tool that gives me a way to assess how well my students understand the material we are learning in class. This tool can be used daily or weekly, depending on the unit being taught. A good exit ticket can tell whether my students have a superficial or in-depth understanding of the materials and concepts we are exploring. I can then use this data for adapting instruction to meet students’ needs the very next day. Posting digital exit tickets is now one of the most effective and popular ways to end our synchronous meetings which allow me to help my students reflect on what they have learned, express what or how they are thinking about new concept or information, and most importantly gives opportunities for my students to think critically and metacognitively.

Teachers who gain an understanding of what the students know can effectively drive the instruction towards their desired results and achieve their teaching goals!

Here’s what my students say about why they like answering entrance and exit tickets!

-Mrs. Mary Glyzelle Dela Cruz, Upper School Teacher


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