Despite issues brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, education must be made available! Education must continue! With its Online Distance Learning Program, TISC accepts the challenge!

TISC ODL, Better Than Expected!

Ella Montines

September 9, 2021

Parent-teacher conferences are a great opportunity for families to sit down one-on-one with their child’s teacher and talk about school progress. And this is one of the most anticipated and remarkable events in TISC! Held last August 13 and 20, PTCs were undeniably a successful endeavor for teachers to encourage open communication with parents for better home-school partnership.

For many Filipino families, distance learning had been a great source of challenges caused by personal, familial, and societal constraints rooted to the overwhelming uncertainties brought by the global health crisis. But TISC families proudly shared during the PTC that in all its dynamics, TISC’s ODL (Online Distance Learning) is working so much better than they expected! Most parents reported that they observed their children were prepared well for this year’s remote learning and have noted tremendous improvement on their children as self-regulated learners. And as TISC rolls its ODL Year 2, let us take a glimpse at what parents have to say about it so far. (See images)

As teachers and administrators all go at great lengths to ensure that learning takes place despite the global pandemic, our students and parents’ positive feedback is a cumulative affirmation that we are certainly on the right track. The innovations in education coupled with our revolutionary teaching practices are enough reasons to remain visionary that TISC students will certainly continue to make a difference!

-Mrs. Mary Glyzelle Dela Cruz, Upper School Department Teacher




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