Despite issues brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, education must be made available! Education must continue! With its Online Distance Learning Program, TISC accepts the challenge!

Celebrating Our TISC Pride!

We are immensely proud o.(Read More)

Upper School Christmas 2021 Playlist
Upper School Christmas 2021 Playlist
Check out videos created by our students and student editors for the December culminating activity entitled “Our Christmas Message”. Have fun!

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Entrance and Exit Tickets – Keys to an Engaging Online Classroom!

Researches in the field of curriculum, instruction, and assessment highly suggest that there is a strong relationship between engaging classroom practices and students’ learning outcomes. And we, in TISC, are continuously in search of innovative practices that would make our daily classroom interaction not only productive but also enjoyable. One of which is by making students respond to entran.(Read More)

Second Graders’ Musical Instruments from Scrap, Terrific!

Recycling turns old scrap materials into new objects like magic. As we are nearing the end of the first trimester in Grade 2 Music Class, T. Tin and I thought of an activity that will showcase our students’ creativity, love for nature, and the knowledge that they have learned during our lessons.

Grade 2- Acacia and Mahogany created their Musical instruments using scrap materials. Just l.(Read More)

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